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The Liebster Award 2018

I have been honored as a nominee for the Liebster Award!! A fellow blogger Ariel King the proud blogger of Mama of Kings nominated me to become part of an amazing blogging experience. Ariel is a SAHM, she has 3 wonderful kids and her blogs are definitely worth reading !

What is a Liebster award ?

The Liebster Award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers… basically to show all your writing some love and support! “Liebster” is a German word meaning kind, beloved, valued, etc.

ok. So the rules?

  1. Link the original blog post. Original Blog
  2. Answer the questions that you were given by your nominee.
  3. Create new question for the ones your are nominating
  4. Comment on the Original Blog with YOUR link!
  5. Write a small post on why you are a passionate blogger
  6. Give us 10 facts about you!!!
  7. Nominate up to 11 fellow bloggers
  8. Let them know you nominated them!!!

Why do I Blog?

I’ve been trying to find outlets to vent without feeling the need to filter so much. I had an experience that made me lose my interest in writing, when my journal was read. Now after 3 years of being silent I’m back and more fiercer than ever!! I Blog because I love to give people a different perspective of how to deal with life’s struggles. Plus, with me being a SAHM, I needed a get away from my 2 very active boys!!

So you want 10 facts? Here you go!

  1. I published a book in 5th grade
  2. I really want a little girl
  3. I LOVE to cook
  4. God has my heart and he always will
  5. I play Splatoon 2 like no other mom out there
  6. I want MOREEEE mom friends
  7. I don’t like to read very much
  8. I like to be creative but not physically lol
  9. I have major anxiety when it come to my kids and being in public
  10. I slightly always wanted a huge family

My Answers to Ariel’s Questions:

  1. What is something that you have ALWAYS wanted? I’ve always wanted a horse because they’re just so beautiful. I love there stature and how strong they are.
  2. Have you ever made a prank call? If so, what was the weirdest one? I faintly remember making a prank call with my cousin, I think it was late at night and we asked if their fridge was running…that’s when phone books were cool, haha.
  3. If you had the chance to go back in history to witness ANY event, what would it be and why? I would want to go back to see the first African American woman track runner Wilma Rudolph. I really want to go back just to see if it was as hard as it is now when competing.
  4. What is your favorite word and why? My favorite word is Articulate because to be articulate is to be able to speak fluently and coherently and that’s a word I practice doing.
  5. If you had to be named after a place (city, state, country, etc.) what would you choose and why? If I had to be named after a place it would be New York because I wanted to be in the fashion industry and New York is definitely the place to go!
  6. Who are you? I am Sabrina Barker, if you want know more check out my blogs 😉 Life’s a Barker
  7. What’s the strangest thing you have eaten? The strangest thing I have eaten is bitter chocolate it was not pleasing at all and I hope to never come across it again, lol.
  8. If you could choose to be haunted by ANY dead person, who would you choose and why? If I could be haunted by any dead person it would be my great grandmother because I didn’t really get to know her but I heard she was a great lady.
  9. What act would you be a part of if you joined a circus? I would want to be the ring leader because it would make me feel like I’m the star but I’m not really doing anything, lol.
  10. What do you want out of life? I want to be the child that God wants me to be. I also want my children to know that they are loved always and forever!

My Nominees

Corina Bumstead- Corina Time

Anna Smith- Lifestyle by Anna Elizabeth

Elisha Spencer-Madam Budget

Lisa Wingerter- Me and My mom friends

Meredith Wolfe-Wolfe family walking by faith

My questions for you !

  1. If you had a choice to be born without eyebrows or without eyelashes what would you choose and why?
  2. What mythical creature would you want to be and why?
  3. If you could star in a movie what genre would you choose to star in and what type a character would you play?
  4. If you could be a lipstick which color would you be and what type (matte, gloss, glittery, etc.)? Explain why you chose to be this.

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